

VOLUME aims to combat social exclusion and radicalisation among youth people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project aims to achieve this through the participation of disadvantaged youth in volunteering as a form of civic participation and lifelong learning though formal and non-formal education
Implementation: Start:01/12/2020 -> Finish:01-12-2023

Young people in the EU face the risk of marginalisation and social exclusion, with the countries involved in this project being on the top of this list. Different studies made at EU level have pointed out that the skills and qualifications of the volunteers do not always match with the needs of the developing countries or the volunteer organisations. As volunteers, advocates and practitioners of volunteering affirm, specific attention must be given to young people as agents of change, providing them with volunteer opportunities for civic participation and life-long learning through formal but also non- formal education. At the same time, professionals working with youth and particularly with disadvantaged youth, do not have the necessary capacities and tools required for effectively promoting them towards volunteering in a sustainable manner that will enhance their participation, civic engagement, and active citizenship.

Project objectives: